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kode di bawah ini adalah kode awalnya
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Lalu setelah di ganti menjadi
<a target="_blank" href="http://contohsaja.com"><img alt="Pasang Iklan" src="http://oketrik.googlecode.com/files/Logo%20oketrik.gif" border="0" /></a>Selesai dech sekarang Banner saya sudah berada dalam blog/web sobat - Gimana mudah bukan dan mengertikan?? klo g ngerti, kasian dech
Oke sekarang sudah selesai Langkah-langkah Membuat Kotak Banner Iklan. Sekarang Bagaimana dengan blog/Web sobat?? tambah Profesional bukan dan sobat juga bisa mendapatkan hasil dari blog/Web tersebut, oiya saya kasih tips apabila Blog sobat terlalu banyak iklan mungkin blogger akan menghapusnya jadi saya sarankan jangan terlalu banyak memasang iklan di blog sobat y karena beresiko tinggi sekali sob. oke saya akhiri dengan mengucapkan Terima Kasih and Happy Blogging.
165 Komentar untuk Membuat Kotak Banner Iklan
wah ini dy trik yg saya cari, triknya detail bener sob jd saya bs modifikasi dech and mudh2n blog saya dpt pnghsln, sekali lg mksh sob..
bagus nih Sob. Q jg cari nih
pake code css segala ya..????
@ Secangkir Teh dan sekerat roti ==>> iya sob, memang ada apa?? ada masalah??
Udah aku praktekin sob trik ini...
Trims Sob,karna sangat mudah di pahami...
Skali lagi Thanks..
wah langsung bisa dipraktekkan nih
ini berbayar gak...?
langsung praktek
wesss yang ini tutorialnya emang paling mantepppp
ktmu jg ni trik...
thx y sob...
terus ukuranya gimana sob
sudah saya pasang kok tampilanya beda ya sama yang di blog ini. apanya yang krang ? thxs
@Donny >> ukuran apanya ya? bisa diperjelas
@donny >> iya sob, klo yang di blog ini tidak menggunakan image sama sekali hanya menggunakan kode CSS dan HTML saja klo mau di ganti gambarnya silahkan ganti url http://oketrik.googlecode.com/files/KotakBanneriklan.gif dengan url gambar yang kamu punya
Terima Kasih atas trik - trik yang oke buangeeeeetttt.... sekarang bolg saya dah mhantaaabhhhh... sekali lagi terima kasih buanyaaaaaakkkk bro atas ilmunya...
Iya bro sama sama, senang bisa membantu
wow..nice info bgt nih...mkasih ya
Makasih banyak informasinya mas..
Kunjungi juga ya blog aq
Dapatkan info seputar bisnis dan motivasi bisnis
makasih atas infonya
mantap infonya gan maksih.........
oke boss
Tampilan kotak iklannya jadi bagus... sip makasih gan...
Sama sama bro....
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Binance Support phone number
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Is your Binance account experiencing the inconvenience? It is safe to say that you are getting hitches while associating with the server in Binance account? On the off chance that you are unfit to deal with every one of the blunders, there is no compelling reason to stress by any means, you can legitimately associate with the group of talented experts through Binance phone number+1800-861-8259 who are dependably there to help you and profit the best arrangements and cures from the group in plain-cruising and impeccable way. The group is there to help you at each point.
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Binance Support number
Binance Support phone number
Binance Support phone number
Binance phone number
Binance number
Binance Customer Service number
Are you unable to receive the verification code on your phone in Binance? If yes, dial Binance support phone number +1877-209-3306 immediately and grab easiest and best solutions to fix such errors in a jiffy. With the assistance of experts, your errors will be eradicated in the fraction of seconds with utmost perfection. You can contact these skilled and talented experts at any time as per the convenience and necessity.
Binance Support number
Binance Support phone number
Binance Support phone number
Binance phone number
Binance number
Binance Customer Service number
The fundamental issues each Coinbase customer faces is the unavailability of the customer Coinbase Support Number. No social affairs pass on the number that will empower the customers to connect with the operators to overcome their particular issues. In such cases, searching for the assistance of master customer sponsorship to get rid of the hindrances while using the Coinbase exchange is critical to have a smooth experience. Get the speedy and ace customer organization by dialing the +1(860)-266-2763 coinbase support number.
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Binance Support phone number
Binance Support phone number
Binance phone number
Binance number
Coinbase users have to deal with wallet password errors every now and then as it is difficult to remember the password. A wallet is protected by 2fa 16-digit code but still, sometimes users get stuck. To eradicate all the wallet password errors from the roots in a hassle-free manner, you can take fruitful assistance from the well-equipped professionals by calling on the Coinbase Customer Service number +1877-330-7540 and get rid of all the errors instantly with accuracy. The experts know hack packs that help in fixing your errors problems easier and faster.
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Coinbase Support phone number
Coinbase phone number
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Are you coming across technical errors while following the transaction steps through the Mobile app in Binance? If yes, reach the Binance customer support Number +1877-330-7540 team who is always there to provide fruitful assistance and knock out all the errors and glitches in quick time so that users can enjoy trading flawlessly. You will be connected to the executives who are available around the clock and give full efforts to satisfy users with their remarkable services. Get the best assistance from the team in no time. Whenever you are dealing with an error, you are advised to call us and get free from issues.
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Binance Support phone number
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Binance Support phone number
Binance Support phone number
Binance phone number
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Binance Support phone number
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Coinbase Support phone number
Coinbase phone number
Coinbase number
If you have Any issue in your Coinbase account like your wallet is stolen or anything then you can call us toll-free number +1-855-504-2315 here solve your all issue by our Coinbase customer service.
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Blockchain Customer Support number
Blockchain Customer Service number
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Blockchain number
Is your Blockchain account trapped by immense problems and you need to fix it immediately? Finding trouble to trade on Blockchain is quite a big error face by a user? What could be the chief reason for the disabling of selling and buying bitcoin in your Blockchain account? To get all the answers related to your queries, call on Blockchain customer care number which is functional all the time. You will be connected with the team of skilled professionals who help in eliminating all your problems.
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Blockchain Customer Support number
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Majority of the users deal with errors related to unable to login or using your Bitcoin Cash account. it will be wise for you so just call on Bitcoin Cash official contact number as soon as possible. The experts are accessible 24*7 without any break, so contact them to get rid of errors in a jiffy our Bitcoin Cash customer support team and shared your problem with our experts. They are always 24/7 at your service. There is no any scheduled time to have a conversation with our expert team.
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Are you interested in creating a Binance account? Finding difficulty in signing up your Binance account? To avail the answers related to the above queries, just ping on 24*7 active and globally available Binance customer service number and get the relevant assistance from the experts related to the same. You will be directed to the experts who will provide the inventive solutions and remedies so that you get out of the error in the best possible way. Thus users should dial our toll-free number immediately instead of wasting their important time.
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Binance Support phone number
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Binance Customer Support number
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Having an access to Cash App means that you can control and manage your money at your finger tips. But, you can't believe on Cash App blindly. Don't forget that Cash App is a digital payment app. And digital services are subject to internet connection, software, and hardware performance. Any small glitch can cause huge problem and Cash App transaction might get failed. Gladly, now experts have found out practical techniques to fix Cash App transaction failed issue. Say thanks to Cash App as now you can get Cash App refund as well for your Cash App payment failed.
If you have recently downloaded a Cash App on your phone then you must know about the Cash App refund process. However, the Square Cash App perfectly handles most of the payments. But there is no guarantee that you will not ever face any kind of problem. People who use Cash App they know that once in while Cash App payments might fail. And when a payment fails on Cash App then the user needs to apply for a Cash App refund. There is only one way to get a refund from Cash App. And that method requires you to go through the Cash App mobile application and get in touch with Cash App customer service. Also read about - How Does Cash App Notify? Does Cash App Call or Send Messages?
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